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TABLE OF CONTENTS | 13 November 2013 | Volume 32, Issue 22 |  |  |  |  | Have you seen? Articles
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Advances in Molecular Medicine: Access the Editors' Choice This web focus, which features content from the four EMBO scientific publications, includes recent research and review articles that exemplify a wide range of perspectives on molecular medicine research. | | | |  |  | Have you seen? | Top |  |  |  |  Protection by natural IgG: a sweet partnership with soluble lectins does the trick!Polyreactive immunoglobulins secreted by B cells in the absence of immunization or infection synergize with lectins to protect against pathogenic bacteria, blurring the boundaries between adaptive and innate immune systems. Irene Puga and Andrea Cerutti The EMBO Journal (2013), 32, 2897 - 2899; 10.1038/emboj.2013.235 Abstract | Full text | PDF | Related article Published online: 25 October 2013 |  |  |  |  It cuts two ways: microtubule loss during Alzheimer diseaseMicrotubule loss contributes to nervous system degeneration during Alzheimer disease. New findings report that abnormal tau invasion into dendrites, triggered by Amyloid β, results in excess severing of microtubules by spastin. Daphney C Jean and Peter W Baas The EMBO Journal (2013), 32, 2900 - 2902; 10.1038/emboj.2013.219 Abstract | Full text | PDF | Related article Published online: 27 September 2013 |  |  |  |  Let’s sp(l)ice up pluripotency!A recent study published in Nature Cell Biology characterizes SON as one of the first relevant splicing factors to maintain ESC self-renewal and pluripoency. Graziano Martello The EMBO Journal (2013), 32, 2903 - 2904; 10.1038/emboj.2013.229 Abstract | Full text | PDF | Related article Published online: 08 October 2013 |  | Articles | Top |  |  |  |  Natural IgG antibodies provide innate protection against ficolin-opsonized bacteriaNatural antibodies have been reported in newborns and germ-free animals in the absence of foreign antigens. A new study reveals that natural IgGs bind bacteria to promote cellular uptake and clearance of pathogens. Saswati Panda, Jing Zhang, Nguan Soon Tan, Bow Ho and Jeak Ling Ding The EMBO Journal (2013), 32, 2905 - 2919; 10.1038/emboj.2013.199 Abstract | Full text | PDF | Supp. info. | Review Process File Published online: 03 September 2013 |  |  |  |  Amyloid-β oligomers induce synaptic damage via Tau-dependent microtubule severing by TTLL6 and spastinMicrotubule collapse, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease, is a direct consequence of amyloid beta peptide-mediated Tau missorting, resulting in recruitment of a tubulin polyglutamylase that primes microtubules for severing. Hans Zempel, Julia Luedtke, Yatender Kumar, Jacek Biernat, Hana Dawson, Eckhard Mandelkow and Eva-Maria Mandelkow The EMBO Journal (2013), 32, 2920 - 2937; 10.1038/emboj.2013.207 Abstract | Full text | PDF | Supp. info. | Review Process File Published online: 24 September 2013 |  |  |  |  Pds5B is required for cohesion establishment and Aurora B accumulation at centromeresConditional knockout reveals shared chromosome arm and telomere functions for two mouse homologues of the cohesin accessory factor Pds5, as well as specific Pds5B roles at centromeres and in attachment error correction. María Carretero, Miguel Ruiz-Torres, Miriam Rodríguez-Corsino, Isabel Barthelemy and Ana Losada The EMBO Journal (2013), 32, 2938 - 2949; 10.1038/emboj.2013.230 Abstract | Full text | PDF | Supp. info. | Review Process File Published online: 18 October 2013 |  |  |  |  Structural basis for the MukB-topoisomerase IV interaction and its functional implications in vivoBinding of a bacterial SMC protein stimulates relaxation of negative supercoils, showcasing how condensin homologues may employ topoisomerases to affect chromosome topology. Seychelle M Vos, Nichole K Stewart, Martha G Oakley and James M Berger The EMBO Journal (2013), 32, 2950 - 2962; 10.1038/emboj.2013.218 Abstract | Full text | PDF | Supp. info. | Review Process File Published online: 04 October 2013 |  |  |  |  A small RNA activates CFA synthase by isoform-specific mRNA stabilizationThe small RNA RydC stabilizes target mRNAs in a translation-independent manner through base pairing to the 5′UTR, blocking RNase E access. Cyclopropane fatty acid synthase is a target for RydC, providing the first link between sRNA regulation and membrane biosynthesis in bacteria. Kathrin Sophie Fröhlich, Kai Papenfort, Agnes Fekete and Jörg Vogel The EMBO Journal (2013), 32, 2963 - 2979; 10.1038/emboj.2013.222 Abstract | Full text | PDF | Supp. info. | Review Process File Published online: 18 October 2013 |  |  |  |  RNA connectivity requirements between conserved elements in the core of the yeast telomerase RNPDespite constituting a flexible scaffold, telomerase RNA contains an ‘Area of Required Connectivity’ (ARC) whose disruption compromises telomerase function both in vitro and in vivo. Melissa A Mefford, Qundeel Rafiq and David C Zappulla The EMBO Journal (2013), 32, 2980 - 2993; 10.1038/emboj.2013.227 Abstract | Full text | PDF | Supp. info. | Review Process File Published online: 15 October 2013 |  |  |  |  REST/NRSF-mediated intrinsic homeostasis protects neuronal networks from hyperexcitabilityThe REST/NRSF transcriptional repressor helps neurons to readjust their network firing activity after neuronal hyperexcitation, by downregulating the expression of voltage-gated sodium ion channels. Davide Pozzi, Gabriele Lignani, Enrico Ferrea, Andrea Contestabile, Francesco Paonessa, Rosalba D’Alessandro, Pellegrino Lippiello, Davide Boido, Anna Fassio, Jacopo Meldolesi, Flavia Valtorta, Fabio Benfenati and Pietro Baldelli The EMBO Journal (2013), 32, 2994 - 3007; 10.1038/emboj.2013.231 Abstract | Full text | PDF | Supp. info. | Review Process File Published online: 22 October 2013 |  | Please note that you need to be a subscriber or site-licence holder to enjoy full-text access to The EMBO Journal. In order to do so, please purchase a subscription. You have been sent this Table of Contents Alert because you have opted in to receive it. You can change or discontinue your e-mail alerts at any time, by modifying your preferences on your account at: (You will need to log in to be recognised as a registrant). For further technical assistance, please contact our registration department. For print subscription enquiries, please contact our subscription department. 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